This Mobile Sensor Platform (MSP) includes several minor modification of the 2nd gernation of MSPs. All of the MSPs carry devices which enable imaging, distancing, and wireless communication functions. The Image processing algorithms help the mobile sensor understand its environment. A group of these sensors can be coordinated to better react to or reason about real-world phenomena. Most of the existing sensor network testbeds are fixed. The few mobile testbeds either have limited processing capability that prevents them from running interesting and practical applications like target tracking, sensor deployment, and other mission-oriented tasks; or that they are too costly for group deployment. AICIP group will design and implement a mobile sensor network testbed that can provide sufficient processing capability for both 1-D signal processing and 2-D image processing at low cost (<$500 each platform).
In the photos above, you see the scratches made by the wheel's set screw on the drive shaft extension rod. Again, I am sure this occurs due to both the set screw and the extension rod's round shapes. Two round pieces will threfore not maintain enough contact force necessary to keep the wheel and axle moving together as one.
After showing this to Ragul, it apears there were supposed to be holes drilled into the drive shaft extension rod large enough to allow the set screw to become seated just inside the rod. Those holes are not present. Ragul and Austin are going to look into this....
After that we should be ready to roll...